(951) 506-1040 Appointment
Body Lift Temecula

Body Lift
In Temecula, CA

Meet Your Cosmetic Goals

Sometimes you need more than exercise and dieting to achieve the body you want. Brian Eichenberg, MD, and Rachel Ford, MD, provide a number of expert body lift options at Renuance Cosmetic Surgery & MedSpa in Murrieta, California. The board-certified plastic surgeons work with you to create a personalized treatment plan to meet your cosmetic goals. If you’re looking to discuss body lift options and begin the journey to a new you, reach out by phone or schedule a consultation online today.

What is a body lift?

A body lift removes extra sagging skin and fat around certain areas of the body.

It shapes the body back to a more pleasing aesthetic form and improves any irregularities in the skin’s surface. A body lift can include the abdominal area, lower back, buttocks, inner and outer thighs, and arms.

What happens during a body lift?

At Renuance Cosmetic Surgery & MedSpa in Temecula, Body Lift patients will receive care at our excellent surgical facility, which has accreditation from the American Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgery Facilities (AAAAF). You are normally given general anesthesia for the procedure, and the team of experienced nurses makes sure you’re comfortable.

Your surgeon makes an incision in the particular area receiving the body lift. For example, during an arm lift, the incision is from your elbow to your armpit, and then excess tissue or fat is removed through liposuction. The skin is pulled tightly and then trimmed. During a body lift, any liposuctioned fat can be repurposed for another procedure. Your surgeon may suggest facial rejuvenation at the same time as your body lift, where they transfer fat to your face for a youthful look. Some scarring may occur around the incisions, but your surgeon works to keep the incision points as hidden as possible.

After the procedure, when the incisions have been closed, Temecula Body Lift patients may receive bandages and compression garments. Depending on the extensiveness of your body lift, you can normally expect to return to work and daily activities in 2-3 weeks. If you’re interested in giving your body a makeover and increasing your confidence, call the office or book an appointment online to discuss your body lift options with Renuance Cosmetic Surgery & MedSpa today.

What are my body lift treatment options?

The team at Renuance Cosmetic Surgery & MedSpa works with you to best determine what areas of your body would benefit from a body lift. Normally, a body lift is divided into an upper, mid, or lower lift. Procedures may include:

You may benefit from one or more of the procedures when planning your body lift.

Am I a good candidate for a body lift?

A body lift is helpful in giving you a trim, toned, and smooth appearance, but it’s important to be honest about your health and goals before moving forward. You may be right for a body lift if:

  • You have recently lost weight, and are looking to reduce drooping skin
  • Your weight is stable, and you don't foresee it fluctuating
  • You have good overall health and can undergo surgery
  • You have already lost most of your desired fat
  • You have approval from your specialist if you've had bariatric surgery
  • You are prepared for a long emotional journey, especially if you are receiving multiple surgeries

Renuance Cosmetic Surgery & MedSpa surgeons perform a thorough exam and review of your medical history before determining what treatment is right for you. Our team strives to provide the best body lift Temecula has to offer!

Body Lift Temecula

Discover the difference that beauty can make in your life with a treatment at Renuance. Our award-winning plastic surgeons are dedicated to your care and look forward to treating you. Schedule your consultation today and experience the positive transformation of Renuance.

24687 Monroe Ave, Murrieta, CA 92562

24663 Monroe Avenue, Suite B102, Murrieta, CA 92562